What are the dangers of casting spell to make him love me forever using dark magic?

 It doesn't matter the kind of spells you want to cast — be it love spells, death spells, spells to bring someone back, spells to bring back a lost love, spell to bring back ex lover, and how to bring someone back to life spell, if you misuse or abuse the powers given to you by the higher authorities, there will always be consequences.

According to Spellcaster Maxim, there is a law that governs the use of magic spells. Even though the law is not written somewhere as in a constitution or general guideline for spell casters, virtually every spell caster knows of the law, and they always do everything within their power to not breach the law. This law is known as the karmic law.


You have probably been wondering and asking yourself what the karmic law entails and why is it central in magic practice? The karmic law is regarded as the guiding principle in casting spells. This law serves as a reminder to spell casters that "Whatever goes around comes around". If you are casting spells, you should have it at the back of your mind that whatever you wish upon others using magic spells will come back three folds.


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