Spells for marriage proposals

 So, let’s agree that you’ll let experienced spellcasters take care of powerful marriage spells, while you can try to cast basic love spells. However, even the simplest of spells require special magic candles. You need one candle for yourself, one candle for the person you love, and three candles to make your wish come true.

As for the three candles, these should be a white, golden and a bloody-red candle.

Color interpretations for candles for men:

Gray – for men prone to depression, serious men, men who like to work from home (as opposed to men who prefer to work from their office);

Green – for passionate and sensual men who turn every dinner into a romantic date;

Dark blue – for strong and willful men, driven men, men who like combat sports and weight-lifting, men in law enforcement, and servicemen;

Blue – for creative men and artists, even if art is not what they do for a living;

Purple – for intellectual men, bookworms and scientists;

Light green – for young men under 30 who haven’t decided yet what career they want to pursue;

Silver – for rich men, men who inherited their wealth and self-made millionaires.

Color interpretations for candles for women:

Yellow – for women who prioritize family life over career, travel and adventures;

Orange – for gorgeous but selfish women and very strong women;

Pink – for women under 30, virgins, girls who have been with just one guy (the one who wants to cast this spell). I, spellcaster Maxim, would like to clarify that all people involved in magic should be over 18. Violation of this rule entails a severe punishment which can be worse than any sentence given by the strictest judge in the world. It happens because those who violate this rule are judged by Higher Powers;

Cherry – for women over 45 years old;

Burgundy – for divorced women and women whose previous relationship was longer than 3 years;

White candles twisted together with pink candles – for ambitious women who prioritize career over family life;

Black candles twisted together with burgundy candles – for widows, regardless of the reason why their husbands passed away.


Custom engraved candles (those representing each of the future spouses when marriage spells with candles are cast) need to be charged. To this end, when the target is asleep, carefully stick the candle under his or her pillow. Take it out shortly before the target is supposed to wake up. Charge your candle in the same manner. Charge your candles for 7 days when the moon is new. Attention: if any of the candles breaks, discontinue the spell. It won’t work even if you buy new candles.


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