The Worst Invention of Mankind

 Recently, the British newspaper "Guardian" has acid out "the worst invention of mankind". Unfortunately, plastic bags "won" this title--because the planet in which we rouse now has roughly become a "plastic planet". Plastic bags on the subject of press on more than all the places--lands, rivers, mountains, oceans, and so upon. Until one hours of daylight, past we have all left, it will be yet occupying the earth, because they are "immortal".

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The paper said that the cockroach has ever been regarded as a metaphor of tenacious vitality. However, past the emergence of plastic, it even surpasses cockroach and becomes the last witness of human civilization. I admit it will bring as soon as the chronicles of mankind and enter into the neighboring ice age.

Plastic was "born" in the 1930s. Ever back the 1970s, it has monopolized the market of shopping bags in European and American supermarkets. Now in Britain, roughly 8 billion plastic bags are used every single one year.



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