Is Bigfoot real? No one really knows for sure if the mysterious creature Bigfoot is an urban legend, folklore, myth, hoax, or actual being. This enigmatic monster as some view it, has gained the attention of believers and non-believers alike worldwide throughout the years. In fact, interest on the topic of Sasquatch has gained exponentially over the years with mainstream society along with the fringe. There seems to be an unending demand for this hominid/cryptid and the paranormal/supernatural (including cryptozoology) in general these days. There are copious amounts of movies, documentaries and TV shows based on the creature including one of the most popular “Finding Bigfoot” nowadays. Ironically all these TV shows and documentaries which document hunting the creatures never seem to actually find them and provide definitive proof, at least not yet. While the Abominable Snowman may not exist the search for Bigfoot is very real and involves many folks as well as different organizations that actively study numerous cryptids, investigate sightings, document and report on their findings. These organizations are composed of folks such as the everyday man/wild life hunters, and even maverick college professors and scientists. These are real bona fide people/organizations spending actual money in order to find the truth to this age old mystery. To the mainstream, the truth is Sasquatch is nothing but a ruse, a simple fairy tale but to others the creature exists and it’s their lifelong mission to prove these people; the nonbelievers wrong.



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