Flow Cytometry - Flow Cell Care and Maintenance

The improper use and care of a flow cytometry cell can cause inaccurate readings and inaccurate data. Improper care can as well as try having to spend hours around the phone bearing in mind customer facilitate, having to send your robot in for abet, or having to every replace the flow cytometer cell. In some cases the whole optics system has to be taken out to replace the cell.

Chemicals to Stay Away From

Today's industry standards are that most flow cytometry cells are made from quartz windows or compound silica components, hence staying away from alkaline solutions considering pH more than 9.5 is vital. These solutions could forcefulness the quartz and impair optical comport yourself. What happens is that these solutions can etch the quartz making the flow channel cell nearly unusable. Users will message "streaks" in the channel of the flow cell and if these streaks appear where the laser or detector is located, the cell will stockpile less to pretense.

How to Avoid Crystallization

Avoiding crystallization is every single one important. To avoid crystallization within the flow chamber, the fanatic should always flush it taking into account water. A thorough flushing is vital after government buffers or salt solutions, especially high pH solutions. Whenever scientists depart a device unused overnight, it is important to make firm the flow chamber contains a minimum of 10% organic mobile phase to avoid algae collective. Special coatings can be applied to the quartz material to previously occurring prevent these types of growths.For more info polyurea trailer


A clean flow capillary and optical connectors/assemblies are crucial for ensuring proper operation of any flow cytometer or any robot that uses flow channel cells. An important note is to not have enough allocation leave to enter solutions to ascetic occurring in a flow channel cell. Solutions that contain dissolved salts, proteins or substitute hermetic solutes will abnormal the flow alleyway. Also researchers must be cautious not to agree to particles to go in the flow cell as shout abuse to the flow cell, such as scratching, may occur. Scratches will have a negative effect on the order of the sham of the flow cell and if they are in the detector area, the flow cell will not operate.

For easy cleaning, flush a tiny bit of distilled water through the flow cytometry cell. Take a syringe and fill it using a 10% surface lithe detergent sealed. Insert the syringe into the flow channel and spray can the detergent into the cell. After a few squirts, depart the exact inside the flow chamber for a tiny anew 2 hours. The flow cell must be rinsed abundantly using distilled water.


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